The Special economic zone (SEZ) - the part of the territory of the Russian Federation, where entrepreneurs can work under special conditions (ref. presentation). The aim of creating the SEZ "ZELENOGRAD" is to develop an innovative activity in the field of high technologies.
The special Economic Zone "ZELENOGRAD" was created on December 21, 2005 by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 779 "About the creation of the special economic zone for technology innovation on the territory of Moscow."
Zelenograd - is the town of science, culture, education and business:
- High innovative potential - developed scientific and industrial complex and innovation support system;
- The potential of the staff - 44% of capable working population, 26 scientific-research institutes, 5 higher educational institutions, 3 technical colleges;
- The developed infrastructure and social sphere;
- Convenient location.
The following privileges are granted to the residents of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) "ZELENOGRAD":
- the reduction of the common social tax from 26% up to 14 %;
- the release from the property tax during 5 years since getting it registered;
- the release from the land tax for the organization-resident for 5 years since getting the ownership of the land area given to it;
- custom facilities;
- other privileges, granted by Moscow.
The territory of the SEZ "ZELENOGRAD" consists of 2 areas:
- One part on the territory of the industrial area "Alabushevo" (150,0 hectares) includes:
oScientific and Industrial area
oSubsidiary area
oRecreational area - Another part, situated on the territory of the University Innovative Complex of Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology(5,15 hectares) includes:
oUniversity Innovative Complex
oIndustrial Training Complex
oResidentsґ Enterprises
Presentation from web-site of the Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones