Conference "Electronic District"

About results of Conference
Municipal scientific-practical conference of workers of territorial executive power authorities of Moscow "Project" "Electronic District" - is the tool of effective realization TCP "Electronic Moscow" in the territory of administrative district" (further Conference) passed on June, 1, 2006 on the basis of prefecture of Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow.
More than 250 delegates took part in the Conference. Among visitors of the Conference there were representatives of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the industry and power of the Russian Federation, Federal agency on control of special economic zones, Federal agency on information technologies, the Russian Academy of sciences, Advice of Federations, the Moscow municipal duma, the Government of Moscow, territorial authorities of Moscow, complexes of municipal economy of Moscow, Advice of main constructors TCP "Electronic Moscow", and also higher educational establishments, firms-developers,  vendors and the enterprises located in territory of Zelenograd. Besides that, during the Conference direct translation in the Internet on specially created for information of Conference section of an official portal of prefecture of Zelenograd was provided. The translation was provided in the city network of Zelenograd numbering about 15 thousand of subscribers, and also on screens in the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Techniques, Institute of International Business Education, Technopark. In total in Conference took part more than 100 "virtual" visitors who was included in active discussion through a direction on a site of questions to lecturers and comments. Also the direct correspondent reporting from conference in the Internet on was organized.
In presidium of the Conference the deputy to Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow of Petrov A.V., the deputy of Moscow municipal duma Orlov S.V., the prefect of Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow Smirnov A.N., the head of department of information of Moscow Mihajlov A.N., the general constractor TCP "Electronic Moscow" Zhigunov K.N., the head of department on coordination and development of administrative reform of the Government of Moscow Juzvikov V.A., the head of Department of territorial enforcement authorities., The head of Department of territorial  executive power authorities of Moscow Zverev S.I., the chief of the State city inspection under the control over use of objects of uninhabited fund of Moscow by Oborkina L.N worked there.
Financing of the Conference was carried out basically due to means of sponsors. The Conference was supported by such companies as Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft.
With assistance of the World Bank through the Global network for development and learning (GDLN) the space bridge with experts from the Great Britain, Italy, and Estonia was organized. In the performances foreign experts told about experience of creation of state-private partnership in the field of the electronic government in the EU countries, integration of information systems of bodies of the government, and also modern approaches to priority electronic services at national and municipal levels.
At the Conference winners and laureates of competition "If I was the chapter of Electronic Zelenograd" were also awarded.
Questioning of opinion of participants of the Conference shown, that the majority of delegates support  allocation the project "Electronic district" as separate subroutine TCP of "Electronic Moscow" and necessity of allocation for each project "Electronic Moscow" a district component. Among the most important and actual components of the project "Electronic district" delegates noted creation and development of services for the population and managing subjects (40 % of delegates allocated this direction as the prioritiest), integration of information systems and resources of district (17 %), development of an information-communication infrastructure of district (15 %). More than 74 % of delegates of the Conference supported creation of the specialized organization in each district for performance of functions of the operator of district information systems.
For discussion of participants of the Conference the Resolution which was applied in materials of each delegate and had been published on a site of the Conference earlier was passed.
During reports and specially organized discussion under the Resolution of the Conference, opinions on necessity of more serious attitude to already developed and intensively developing branch of information technologies in structure of municipal economy was expressed. Also the expediency of creation of the territorial centers on service of the population and legal persons for granting a wide set of the incorporated services in a mode of "One window" was noted. Questions of integration of departmental and district information resources and telecommunication networks, operation of already constructed systems, including registration and their transfer to the property of the city was sharply designated. At the same time, it was noted, that without the system decision of the designated questions of use of the newest technologies, in modern conditions it is impossible to provide comfortable services for citizens and the business-structures, substantiate acceptance of strategic and operative decisions for territorial management, effective coordination of all control system as a whole and separate branch complexes.