Art objects symbols of the 60th anniversary of Zelenograd installed in the Central square of Zelenograd

Art objects symbols of the 60th anniversary of Zelenograd installed in the Central square of Zelenograd

The area in front of the Cultural centre "Zelenograd" on the Central square becomes more interesting and brighter. Large figures of Father Frost, Snowgirl and Christmas tree appeared here first. And then art objects symbols of the 60th anniversary of Zelenograd: Zelik, Electronica and Microchip.

Design-figures are installed in front of the entrance in CC "Zelenograd" next to another art object: a large Christmas gift. The shapes of the symbols on just two holidays: the forthcoming celebration of the New year of 2018 and the 60th anniversary of Zelenograd, which will be celebrated next year. Zelik, Electronica and Microchip are ready to become the heroes of your selfies and photos!