Graduates of Zelenograd received 38 highest marks on the Unified State Examination in various subjects

Graduates of Zelenograd received 38 highest marks on the Unified State Examination in various subjects

The final results of the United State examinations in various subjects have been summed up. Zelenograd graduates received 38 higher 100-point results on the USE in various subjects. In addition, several graduates received 200 points in two subjects.

This was told by deputy prefect of Zelenograd Alexander Chebotarev.

– Such results can be considered impressive, because in the last academic year in Zelenograd was only 17 those who received the highest score. Separately, I would like to mention school number 853 – this educational organization received 12 100-point results in examinations. This is 30% of all the highest scores of the district, – said Alexander Chebotarev.

Graduates of the school No. 853 received the highest grade in chemistry (3), Russian language (5), literature (3), and biology (1). Graduates of the school №1353 brought Zelenograd 5 top results in chemistry (1), Russian language (2) and literature (2). In schools №1557 and №718 – on four 100-point results. At school number 1557, the highest results were obtained in the Russian language (1), mathematics (1) and physics (2), and in school number 718 – Russian language (3) and literature (1). Two hundred-point results are achieved in schools № 852, 1151, 1194 and 1528. One hundred-point result is found in schools № 618, 842, 854, 1739 and 2045. Thus, 13 educational institutions in Zelenograd prepared in this academic year 100-point graduates.

Most of all 100-point results were obtained in Russian language – 22. Six hundred and 100-point results were brought by literature and chemistry. Physics was noted by two higher results, and one by one – mathematics and biology.