Robochallenge project was held at MIET

Robochallenge project was held at MIET

In early May, participants of the Robot Races (the first phase of the RoboChallenge project) debugged their codes, occasionally interrupting the sensor setup. The final of the competitions took place in the main building of the university. The organizers were the Institute of Nano-and Microsystem Engineering and SKB “Robototechnika”, as reported the press center of the University of Zelenograd.

–The robotic kits with the sports name “Shayba” were prepared specially for the Robot Races. With the help of three sensors and the code written by the participants, “Shayba” read the black line of the route and followed it. On the trails there were sharp turns and traps: an inverse and intermittent line. If the code was not debugged or the sensors did not have time to work, then the robot was straying from the route. During the training sessions young programmers did their best to increase the accuracy and reduce the time of the route, – information message said.

More than 30 students and schoolchildren took part in the race. The fastest and quickest were robots under the leadership of Anastasia Denisova and Daniil Gulyakov (ITS-44), who became winners, taking 1st and 2nd places. Third place went to the pupil of the 8th grade Kirill Putyatin, 4th and 5th places were taken by Shirvani Ahmedov and Maxim Samokhin (ITS-44). All of them were awarded – they got an acoustic systems and certificates of sponsors. The guys who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were also awarded cups, that was printed on a 3D printer.

Robot Races are just the beginning of the RoboChallenge project. And there are still many interesting and more complex contests, that will take place at MIET.